Leading Positive Workplace Change
“We all have a critical role to play as leaders of change, in creating and sustaining mentally healthy workplaces. Our future world of work depends on it.”
Tanya Heaney-Voogt
Tanya’s driving belief is that workplaces can be happier, mentally healthier places to spend our time.
These workplaces are not soft and fluffy. It’s not about the absence of challenge, accountability, responsibility or at times struggle in the workplace. Far from it, as we know struggle is actually good for us.
But it is about creating environments that enable everyone to bring their best selves to work.
Mentally healthy workplaces are not an optional extra; they’re a business imperative. And as Leaders, we all have a role to play.
Tanya is a mentally healthy workplaces expert, safe & effective leadership coach and workplace change facilitator, helping leaders, teams and organisations to thrive in this rapidly changing and high demand world of work.
With a 25-year career leading people, projects and change across the health sector Tanya now helps workplaces to develop mentally healthy work practices, strengthen workplace cultures; and develop safe, effective and high performing leaders and teams.
Her engaging and authentic approach is always remarked upon as she brings life to her content, helping people absorb key information and implement the strategies required to achieve true change.
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