“Tanya was able to quickly respond to our needs. She is intuitive and really able to get to the core issues that needed to be addressed with our team. “



“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

Team Culture by Design is a team-based program that works with teams to: Co design, Clarify and Commit to a set of agreed team behaviours and values.




This ‘culture by design’ will be linked to the overall organisations cultural ethos/code of conduct/values sets (where applicable) but be an actionable, co-designed set of principles the team commit to establish and reinforce every day in their interactions.

Completion of a Team Canvas and Culture Code is the physical output. Combined with clever change methodology woven into the program and with pre and post activities including change coaching for the team leader this program is designed to achieve true and lasting culture transformation within the team.

Program Inclusions
    • Initial needs assessment with team leader

    • Half day workshop with the team face to face

    • 1:1 debrief and Culture Change Coaching with Team Leader

    • Provision of completed Change Canvas and Culture Code
    • Written guidance for Team Leader to introduce documents and guide behavioural shifts
    • Touch base 30, 60 and 90 days with Team Leader to problem solve and reinforce culture change

3 month program.


Please email alexandra@tanyaheaneyvoogt.com for a specific quotation.

“My gratitude to you is immense. I am so thankful for how wonderfully these documents have taken shape and form. They are wonderful visual representations of what was discussed during the workshop.”


“We have been using Tan for some time now for team culture session. Tan is a fantastic facilitator and is great at keeping the team engaged.”

Courtney, LCC

“Tanya was able to quickly respond to our needs. She is intuitive and really able to get to the core issues that needed to be addressed with our team. Her ability to connect across a wide cross section of our workforce was especially appreciated and we got some great feedback from the team.”

Tracey Gibson, CEO

“Tanya was wonderful and engaging with her presentation. The terminology and insight has been super helpful already!”

Let’s Chat.

Book a free 15 minute call with Tanya