I’m sure there’s a group of creatives in a room somewhere coming up with snappy phrases for modern workplace woes – quiet quitting, well-being washing etc etc…
However we want to label it, this post below by Adam Morris speaks to the crux of the matter in that if we choose the look good accessorising over the deep and often uncomfortable work of addressing core issues, the ROI will be negligible.
In my first book – Transforming Norm – I explored the barriers to creating mentally healthy workplaces.
I outlined six major barriers (see below), one of which being the reality that true change takes long term effort and commitment. In a world that values instant gratification we have to work harder to fight the impulse for quick fixes and be prepared to see the long run game.
This isn’t the easy work, but it’s meaningful and good business sense.
If you would like more information on creating genuine change in this space just reach out for a chat.
Tan x
The Six Barriers to Maturity
- Barrier #1: Understanding the phrase ‘mentally healthy workplace’.
- Barrier #2: Transform, not transact.
- Barrier #3: Lack of a business case for change.
- Barrier #4: Lack of change management skills and knowledge.
- Barrier #5: It’s not the organisation’s role.
- Barrier #6: People just need to be more resilient.
Read the full Barriers to Maturity blog to learn more here.
Tanya Heaney-Voogt
Director & Principal Consultant
MBA, ICFACC, MAHRI, Dip Mgt, Dip Coaching, Prosci® Certified Change Practitioner
E: tanya@tanyaheaneyvoogt.com
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