Workload Management Virtual Summit
For Individuals, Executives and HR/OHS/ Wellbeing Practitioners
Workload Management
Unmanageable workload continues to be a major work-related stress risk
Workplace mental injury claims are skyrocketing – in Victoria from 2017 – 2019 mental injury claims rose by 20%… yes, pre-pandemic and in NSW between 2014 – 2015 and 2018 – 2019 mental injury claims rose by 53% compared to only 3.5% in physical injury claims.
I’m not suggesting that work overload is the sole cause of these claims. We know bullying and occupational violence and aggression are right up there too.
The problem is, while I’m telling you about claims data – that’s the endpoint. What this data does not show is the significant impact on your workplace before someone gets to the point of lodging a mental injury claim.
Loss of productivity, errors, disengagement, reactiveness, mood changes, toxicity, resentment, presenteeism, absenteeism, team impact, and customer impact.
Burning out your talent in the midst of a workforce crisis isn’t the best move
On top of this existing chronic problem, we have experienced a pandemic and continue to be plagued by staff absences or resignations.
This is exacerbating the problem as what generally happens when a team member leaves is that workload gets re-distributed across remaining team members.
Workload re-distribution is not the answer to staff shortages.
In May 2022, Harvard Business Review (HBR) published an article titled 3 Strategies for Managing an Understaffed Team.
The article states that workload distribution is an untenable long-term solution and not the answer to staff shortages. So what is?
There are some helpful tips in the article one of which is to rationalise your projects. Those activities that are non BAU or not a priority.
I have blogged on this topic extensively (see links below). I also have a free downloadable template that helps you get clear on your priorities which you can get from the resources section of my website right now.
Workload management is also covered in depth in my book Transforming Norm and details a work utilisation assessment tool that will help you identify risks and develop intervention plans as needed (the latter a touted requirement under the proposed Vic OHS amendments).
This issue is such a prevailing problem I am working with other experts and leaders in the field to bring you our Inaugural Workload Management Virtual Summit.
Over three weeks from mid-August to early September we’ll provide 14 virtual sessions to help individuals, leaders and OHS/HR/Wellbeing leads find new ways to manage this old problem.
Workload Management Virtual Summit 2022
15th August – 2nd September
Over 3 weeks and 14 sessions you’ll hear from 7 expert speakers to identify and respond to this chronic issue.
Our inaugural workload management virtual summit explores the multiple factors that influence unsafe levels of work and how you can mitigate these risks whilst delivering on operational requirements.
The problem is multi-faceted. Individuals, leadership and workplace factors all influence accepted norms around workload management.
Sessions are aligned to the streams:
- Individual
- Executive & Leaders; and
- HR/OHS/Wellbeing
representing the target audience for specific sessions.
Learn the strategies to managing your own wellbeing and how to negotiate appropriate workload. This ticket option gives you single person access to all sessions, plus the email strategy series, e-book and other resources.
Full registration that gives you access to all 14 sessions, a six week email strategy series, e-book and other workplace templates and resources. Unlimited access to each session.
For more information contact Tanya via
Useful Links & Resources on Workload Management
Download my workload utilisation tracking tool here
Blog: Enough Already
Blog: Are You Taking Your Duty Seriously
Blog: Avoiding Change Fatigue
Note: each session will run for roughly 50-60 minutes.