“We need to equip workers with the skills and knowledge to support their own wellbeing in the modern
world of work.”

– Tanya Heaney-Voogt  


An Engaging Half-Day Workshop

Workplace burnout rates are escalating rapidly and research shows that nearly 1/4 of all workers believe that work is negatively impacting on their mental wellbeing (SuperFriend).

We need to equip workers with the skills and knowledge to manage their own wellbeing in the modern world of work.

This workshop explores ways to maximise our emotional and psychological wellbeing and our productivity in the workplace, using evidenced based strategies, tools and tactics.

Workshop Topics 🛍️
  • The mental wellbeing continuum
  • Common work related aspects that impact us
  • The Control and Influence Model
  • Work overload – individual and workplace factors
  • Coaching skills for building accountability & responsibility in others
  • Cognitive loading – common causes & strategies to mitigate this
  • The importance of fun, laughter and play
  • The life by design roadmap
Duration ⌛

This is a full day F2F workshop. A virtual session can be discussed on request. Email alexandra@tanyaheaneyvoogt.com for further information or to book your session today!

Workshop Outcomes 💡
  • Improved work/life balance
  • Strategies to boost their wellbeing and productivity at work
  • Awareness and causes of cognitive overload and strategies to prevent this

Participants receive a detailed individual workshop handbook to work in, along with an A3 Life by Design roadmap and additional tools and templates.

Pricing 💰

Get in touch to request a quote or further information about this program for your team at alexandra@tanyaheaneyvoogt.com. 



“I found this session rejuvenating and valuable. I can see the benefit in rolling this out to our whole organisation. It was very well presented and I was able to take away many tips to input into my personal and professional life.”

– Meg, Workshop Participant


“Tanya conveys complex ideas in such an easy to follow way, I loved her life by design roadmap. This was a fabulous session.” 

– Jaymie, Workshop Participant


“I just wanted to say a big thank you to Tanya and I am sure I speak on behalf of all the staff in attendance – it was a great session today and I think just what we needed. “

– Sharyn, Workshop Participant


“Absolutely loved this workshop with Tanya. Many valuable insights, with relatable stories and examples. Highly recommend to anyone!” 

– Chris, Workshop Participant

Would you like to work with me?

Complete the form below and I’ll be in touch within 48 hours.