Tanya’s book Transforming Norm™ – Leading the Change to a Mentally Healthy Workplace was released in May 2022 and is available in hard copy, ebook and audio book format.


Transforming Norm – The Case for Change is a workshop designed for Executive and Board groups to set the context for working towards a mentally healthy workplace.

Based on Tanya’s first book Transforming Norm – Leading the Change to a Mentally Healthy Workplace this workshop is a high level business case presented in an engaging and insightful way to provide evidenced base information on the current state of mental wellbeing within workplaces, the nation and the globe – and the benefits of creating a mentally healthy workplace. NThese benefits are cultural, financial, productivity, legislative and above all humanistic.

Transforming Norm looks at all sides to this work and explores the concept of psychological safety and linkages with high performance and innovation and common psychosocial hazards – with examples, tools and models that create lasting change.

Tanya draws on her extensive experience sharing case studies and her knowledge and insights with participants to understand the organisational level of maturity and how to transform to a mentally healthy workplace.

Workshop Topics
    • Defining a mentally healthy workplace and the three factors of influence
    • The case for change – why the way we have always done things is no longer serving us
    • Common myths and misunderstandings
    • The Mentally Healthy Workplaces maturity model and self-assessment tool
  • Preventing Psychological Harm – Common psychosocial hazards
  • How to foster Psychological safety
  • The transformation continuum – where to from here and Tanya’s tips for your next steps.

This face to face introductory workshop is conducted over 3.5 hours (includes a break). Delivered stand alone or as part of a program.


Call Tanya on 0438 513 929 or email alexandra@tanyaheaneyvoogt.com for a quotation.


Let’s Chat.

Book a free 15 minute call with Tanya