“A plethora of learnings, tips for practical applications, interactive and plenty of thought provoking ideas.”
– Workshop Participant
An Engaging Full-Day Workshop
Why are you so overloaded with work?
Are your workplace expectations unreasonable or is it you? Are you not productive enough? Perhaps you need to learn yet another time management hack?
Or maybe you just need to work longer hours or not take a lunch break, right?
There are many factors that contribute to the complex condition of work overload.
In this workshop you will identify your level of ‘work utilisation’ and obtain new language to hold powerful and constructive conversations if work is negatively impacting on your wellbeing.
You’ll come to understand the traits that can predispose you to take on more than you should, or why some people are addicted to “busy” and learn the common workplace factors that contribute to unsafe levels of work and what you can do about them.
Workshop Topics 🛍️
- The current state of overload and impact on mental wellbeing in the workplace
- The workload management triangle
- The work utilisation model
- The cult of busyness
- Common habits that predispose us to overload
- Workplace factors that contribute to unsafe levels of work
- Burnout and the key to sustainable high performance without burning out
- Workplace and individual templates to create lasting change.
Duration ⌛
This is a full day F2F workshop. A virtual session can be discussed on request. Email alexandra@tanyaheaneyvoogt.com for further information or to book your session today!
Workshop Outcomes 💡
This workshop is designed to unpack the psychosocial hazard of work overload and provide personal and business strategies to reduce the risks.
Pricing 💰
Call Tanya on 0438 513 929 or email alexandra@tanyaheaneyvoogt.com for a quotation.
Would you like to work with me?
Complete the form below and I’ll be in touch within 48 hours.