Creating Space

Creating Space centres around the why, what and how of creating intentional space for change.

Creating Space

The why, what and how of creating intentional space for change

Over the past six years of my practice what I see is great passion and good intent for building mentally healthy workplaces, safe and effective leaders and teams, and even in individuals determined to balance their workloads.

But what I also see too often, is the lack of intentional space being created to enable these transformational efforts to succeed. We are all guilty of it – the world moves quickly and we get caught up in the spin cycle of things, staying busy busy busy busy and our inner voice saying “I don’t have time for that!”.

I see this need for space so constantly in my work that it was crystal clear I needed to share my musings, my hours of art folio drawing, mind mapping and pondering with others to help them understand how critical it is that we intentionally CREATE SPACE to do the deep work of change.

And not only why we should, and what this looks like practically, but also HOW. We all know what we should be doing, but what’s been missing is the HOW.

So grab a cuppa, create some space and read this book with all of its glorious goodies with no distractions.

Tanya’s Master Model

Creating Space shows you how to go about creating space cognitively (our brain), in our diary and in our organisations to do the more meaningful work of true change, as shown in the CREATING SPACE master model below.

Download Creating Space


Creating Space is designed to set you up to make intentional space for change – a perfect pre-read before facing into Transforming Norm or Finding Equilibrium and ensuring you have the space to make positive change, and you’re no longer trying to shove it into the cracks.

Want further support on Creating Space?

Complete the form below and Tanya will be in touch.

0438 513 929

Warragul, VIC