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Creating Space
The why, what and how of creating intentional space for change

Over the past six years of my practice what I see is great passion and good intent for building mentally healthy workplaces, safe and effective leaders and teams, and even in individuals determined to balance their workloads.
But what I also see too often, is the lack of intentional space being created to enable these transformational efforts to succeed. We are all guilty of it – the world moves quickly and we get caught up in the spin cycle of things, staying busy busy busy busy and our inner voice saying “I don’t have time for that!”.
I see this need for space so constantly in my work that it was crystal clear I needed to share my musings, my hours of art folio drawing, mind mapping and pondering with others to help them understand how critical it is that we intentionally CREATE SPACE to do the deep work of change.
And not only why we should, and what this looks like practically, but also HOW. We all know what we should be doing, but what’s been missing is the HOW.
So grab a cuppa, create some space and read this book with all of its glorious goodies with no distractions.

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Assess yourself: Take the Bergen Work Addiction Scale (or similar) self-diagnostic test to determine whether you may be a workaholic.

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At the heart of inclusion, lies the basic premise that every human being has the right and need to be included. As a Leader you have a key role in fostering inclusion in your team to bring out the best in every individual and your team collectively.
But how do you do that?
Here’s three ways you can help build and maintain inclusion in your team.

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A valuable flash card to boost the civility of your team in the workplace, by reminding employees on the basics of civility and the expectations you have for minimising uncivil behaviours.

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R.O.T. is an acronym of tech origin that stands for redundant, obsolete, or trivial. Timothy R Clark, social scientist, researcher, and author tells us it’s important to look for R.O.T. as ‘everything we do eventually becomes obsolete’.
In other words – you can find new ways, better ways, more effective ways to do things by making it safe to raise new ideas and challenge the status-quo.
I’ve developed a downloadable activity guide to help you run this activity with your team and ensure it rewards everyone’s vulnerability.

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How do you rationalise your project activities in a world of competing demands, compliance overload and normalised work overload?
You assess each new project against a set of criteria designed to ensure your business is spending time on the right activities and not risking burning out its top performers.
Continually adding new projects onto employees who are already at – or over – capacity is a quick step to burnout and potentially a mental injury claim.
Find a new way. Find a better way and ruthlessly prioritise your project activities (non BAU) to ensure your most important projects get completed and you retain a healthy workforce.

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After months of increased demand and COVID related challenges, teams are fatigued, frustrated and desperately in need of strategies to help them push through.
Whilst there is no silver bullet, here are seven ways you can help your teams when they’re Running On Empty
Hot Tip: Take one strategy that resonates with you, your context and your teams the most. Unpack and explore it.
Reach out if you’d like more help.

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Workplace meeting fatigue is almost an accepted unhealthy norm these days.
Poor, unsustainable habits have formed and no one questions the patterns anymore.
We just run from meeting to meeting with a diary so full there’s no room to breathe.
It’s time to make a change.
In this paper, you’ll find six tips that will help you Make Meetings Mentally Manageable along with explanatory notes and recommended actions.
Reach out if you’d like more help.
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Ensure monthly 1:1 meeting’s enhance the effectiveness and wellbeing of your employees as well as report on operational KPI’s. This template provides leadership coaching questions, wellbeing check ins and reward and recognition prompts to support positive interactions between leaders and their team members and help boost your culture overall.
If you’d like to talk about how to introduce this template into your organisation reach out for a chat.