Change Champions Lunch Club



Join me and others leading (or passionate about) workplace change for these bite sized learning events choc-a-bloc full of great tips, tactics and strategies to help you nail your change projects in style!

We chat all things change, exploring one specific topic (as outlined below for each date) and share our trials, tribulations and successes in a supportive (and  fun) environment.

There’s always ample opportunity for Q&A to get insights on your specific change challenges and you’ll have an instant base camp of supporters to help you on your change journey.

You’ll also receive a groovy handout to make your learning experience even more sensational.

I can’t wait to see you in the zoom room!  Get along and register – link below.

Cost $29 per session.

29th June 12 – 1pm – TOPIC:  Coaching Others Through Change
24th August 12 – 1pm – TOPIC:  Changing Attitudes, Values & Beliefs
26th October  12 -1pm – TOPIC: Can We Really Make People Change?

I can’t wait to see you in the zoom room!